Foster Agreement.

True North Rescue Mission

Foster Agreement & Release of Liability

In the terms listed herein, True North Rescue Mission will be referred to as “TNRM”. 

As a TNRM Foster, I agree to the following:

  • To treat my TNRM foster dog as one of my own, by providing adequate training, nutrition, housing, and any additional required care. This includes, but is not limited to, bringing my foster dog to TNRM Veterinary Partners as needed for pre-approved appointments, treatments, and vaccinations. 

  • To ensure a rescue tag is worn at all times & report a lost or injured foster to TNRM immediately. My foster will always be walked with an approved collar, harness, leash & carabiner combo. 

  • To crate or contain my foster dog in a gated area when left alone. TNRM is not responsible for damages caused by a dog not properly secured.

  • To make a reasonable effort to assist in the promotion of my foster dog for adoption, including regular photo updates & attending TNRM adoption events.

  • To direct all interested applicants to apply online via the TNRM website. I will be responsible for coordinating potential meet & greets at my own convenience.

  • To ensure that once your foster dog has been adopted you confirm they are cleared for pick-up with a TNRM Representative. Failure to do so can result in revocation of foster privileges.

  • To keep my foster on a leash when outdoors at ALL times, including public parks and open areas. This includes never leaving my foster outside unsupervised for any reason (tied up outside a store, in a car, or at a dog run).

  • That my commitment to my foster is for the specified foster period as initially agreed upon by both parties. In the event I need to return the dog into the care of TNRM, I will provide 72 hours notice to allow for appropriate placement. Exceptions will be made in emergent situations.

  • TNRM has the right to remove a foster dog from my care at any time.

  • That as a foster, I am a representative of TNRM, and my behavior will be in accordance with our policies and expectations contained herein. This includes inappropriate conduct, or communication with potential adopters, veterinary partners, and rescue representatives. Failure to do so may result in revocation of foster privileges.

  • If I decide to adopt my foster, I will confirm intent within 48 hours of pick-up. I understand that failure to do so will result in a forfeit of my preference in line and will be left to the discretion of TNRM. 

  • TNRM has the right to review all foster to adopt applications, and that I am not guaranteed the adoption of my foster dog.

  • If adopting, I will complete an adoption application via the TNRM website and will provide adoption payment within 24 hours upon receipt of the contract. 

Expenses Covered:

As a TNRM Foster, I agree that the following expenses are to be covered by TNRM:

  • All medical expenses for my TNRM foster will be covered ONLY at TNRM approved veterinary partners with pre-approval. Use of a non-approved veterinary partner or unauthorized vet visits will be at the expense of the foster and will not be eligible for reimbursement under any circumstance. 

  • As a donation based rescue TNRM provides the necessary walking gear (tag, collar, harness, leash, carabiner). If available, food, crates, and any other supplies may be provided. Return of all walking supplies & crates is the foster’s responsibility. 

  • Any contributions made by the foster to their foster dog such as food, treats, etc. will be considered a donation and are eligible for a tax receipt.  

Child Protocol:

As a TNRM Foster, I agree to the following protocols in regards to children:

  • Children will not be left unattended with any TNRM foster dog under any circumstance.

  • No child is allowed to walk a TNRM foster dog. They may accompany the foster or adult 21+.

  • Do not leave bones, chews, or other high value items unattended around the dog & child.

  • Separate children and dogs during the animal’s mealtimes.

  • Children under 10 are not permitted to sleep unsupervised in the same room as a TNRM foster dog.

  • Children may be subject to accidental scratching, biting, or tripping as a result of their interactions with the dog. 

  • Should you have any concerns or questions, you will reach out to a TNRM Representative.

Multi-Animal Household:

As a TNRM Foster, I agree to the following:

  • Even if the TNRM Foster dog has previously lived with cats & other dogs, behavior in a new environment cannot be guaranteed. 

  • Please use caution when introducing a new dog to existing dogs & cats in the household. Do so over a period of days, keeping the dog on a leash. 

  • Do not leave multiple dogs in the same room unattended. 

  • All initial introductions between dogs should be done outside the home on neutral territory. 

  • Be mindful of feeding in the same room, as well as leaving toys, treats, and chews accessible.

  • If you need assistance, you will reach out to a TNRM Representative.

    Release of Liability

This document provides for the release of liability of TNRM and its volunteers on account of the actions of any dog, of any breed, which has been released into the ownership of TNRM and placed into the care of a Foster Care Provider (“any dog in foster”). 

I, the foster care provider named below, understand that TNRM and it’s volunteers cannot guarantee actions or disposition of any foster dog placed in my care. I understand that reasonable effort has been made to assess the disposition of each dog released to TNRM beforehand, but being living animals, may act unpredictably in any situation. I must take necessary precautions to prevent accidents & guard against any unpredicted actions by any foster dog in my care. 

Failure to adhere to any of the policies outlined in this agreement can result in immediate revocation of all foster privileges.  

Please Read Agreement & Complete Form to Sign

Please be sure to read the Foster Agreement above in its entirety. As a foster, you are agreeing to the care of this animal as if it were your own.